
Welcome to the archive!
Here you will find many of the files that I have created throughout the years. If you would like to arrange a trade, feel free to contact me on discord or with the form below.
I'm open to anything people have to offer, although I prefer no external breedfiles and P4 compatible.
Please note:
Only files listed under "dogz" and "catz" are up for trade. The showcase section is only for display.
Availability Scale
Available: Ask away! These are up for grabs.
Semi-Retired: Less being given out, but you may still ask!
Retired: No longer being offered for trade (either because too many have been given out or I have lost the file). You can ask, but the answer may be no.
Fully customizable: Can change up paintballz/do custom work on this file.
1. Keep "Mako's" in the prefix if you show.
2. Do not sell for virtual currency. MPAing is fine unless otherwise stated.
Please feel free to contact me via discord @purpleleopardprint or email the form below.